Thursday, November 13, 2014

En No Kirinai - Keeping connections alive.

In less than 10 hours I board a flight to Tokyo, Japan to clock some hours of training and to enrich my connections. The last time I was there was 2010, and I was awarded my Shodan. The trip was really memorable and I still hold the fondest recollections of my time here. I wanted to travel at least once in a year, but 2011 was the year of the saddening events in Japan, 2012 - I moved to Dubai, 2013 had me settling into a new job and this new country, and finally in 2014 I am glad that able to make it to Japan.  I hope to train with Sôke and all the Japanese Shihans while I am there
Soke walking into DaiKomyoSai 2010
I mention the word "connection" as a reason for going to Japan, since I feel that should be the main motivation for anyone to go to Japan to train, allow me to explain.

One of the concepts of 2009 was en no kirinai, or "do not severe the connection". That was the year I seriously started my journey (though my first class was in 2008) with the Bujinkan. It seems befetting that I blog about connections before I head to Japan again.

En No KiriNai
Being Connected
Being connected is a basic human tendancy and its also one of the core principles of our martial system. Remaining connected to things does not necessarily require one to be physically touching the object or person. The concept of maintaining a connection is one that comes from the power of the spirt, soul, and ones will.
With My teacher Shiva Subramanium
Many people train in the Bujinkan without a connection with the source. When I mean the source I talk about Sôke, the Japanese Shihan and the Hombu Dojo and training in Japan in general. I remember how my teacher Shiva, used to go 3 times a year and my Shihan Arnaud Cousergue has been going 3 times a year for around the last 25years (more than 70 times ) to train directly under Sôke Masaaki Hatsumi.
Noguchi Sensei with Bujinkan India

The feeling of Sôke in training is difficult as always to comprehend, especially after experiencing it. I feel those that never experience Sôkes taijutsu and spirit directly miss out on something. Through him I am even connected to hundreds of buyu around the world. The same goes for training with the Japanese Shihan. Its important to keep the connection.

Of course I might not understand or comprehend what Sôke, however even the top most Shihans will admit to is that very few people understands what Hatsumi-Sensei is doing.  The important thing is to stay connected!
With Sôke. Keeping the connection
Sometimes, this connection can seem to be severed. We might not realise though that things are still connected in the grand scheme of things. We can never be completely seperated from others for as long as the spirit and soul continues. Sôke talks about how he still receives messages, instructions and teachings from Toshitsugu Takamatsu Sensei. Belief is all you need, to keep the connection alive

And one of the ways is to keep training, and to go and watch and train under the source. This will help you maintain a feeling of connected-ness.

I will update my trip on my facebook, instagram , Social page and twitter. Feel free to stay connected! :)

Hombu Dojo - Dec 2010

I highly recommend anyone seriously interested in our martial arts system to visit Japan, if not more, at least once. And do it soon. Time is flying.

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